Synergy Finance Group
Finance and Business Advisors

Plan for the January Cash Crunch!

I am eeing a few businesses that are looking at restructuring their balance sheets now based on their January 2019 cashflow forecasts.  These folks have realised that if cashflow is tight in November, January is going to be very tricky with lower revenue, holiday pay and those ugly January GST and provisional tax bills.

I am happy to help review balance sheets and cashflow plans now so that we can front foot any needs likely to pop up in early 2019 by leveraging off existing business assets.  If there is a projected working capital shortfall we can:

  • Release equity from existing plant & equipment making cash available for working capital, overdraft reduction, creditors, etc;… and/or
  • Refinance existing debt on terms matching the asset life, reducing monthly payments; and/or
  • Work with existing financiers to ensure the best debt structure is in place for where the business is now.

Send me an email or call 021 244 4214 if you would like to discuss this further.  I am keen to get any cashflow needs sorted now rather than wait until January when payment dates have already been missed.

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